Personal Blog for Taif Khudair

Hi there, this is my personal blog, I will share my thoughts, Other people thoughts, and maybe some good articles in it, hope you will find it enjoyable ;)


مرحبا ، هذه هي مدونتي الشخصية ، سوف اشارك من خلالها افكاري ، وافكار غيري ، ولربما بعض المقالات الجيدة. اتمنى ان تجدوها ممتعة .. محبتي


Monday, February 20, 2012

The 1st conference for the Iraqi bloggers

Step of hope ..............

After the past year’s social media revolution, Iraqi’s were eager to join in the discussion through blogs, Facebook and twitter. 

Last week, in Sulaymaniyah, this culminated in the first conference for Iraqi bloggers. The idea was simple: gather 60 bloggers from all over Iraq to discuss the most important topics such as how to develop blogging nationwide, workshops on IT, internet security and the